Recent Changes

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CS Change - / +
3033 Listing "XCEL" was edited by luxierre
April 10th, 3:34PM
3032 Listing "XCEL" was edited by muses-success
February 21st, 10:29AM

muses-success summarised their edit:
Housekeeping. Generated index title and slug.
3031 Listing "XCEL" was added by luxierre
February 21st, 10:29AM

luxierre summarised their edit:
Initial commit.
3030 Listing "Through the Motions" was edited by Waltzoid
February 18th, 9:20PM
3029 Listing "The Mayor of Christ Mountain" was edited by muses-success
January 26th, 1:11AM

muses-success summarised their edit:
Housekeeping. Generated index title and slug.
3028 Listing "The Mayor of Christ Mountain" was added by Zaklog
January 26th, 1:11AM

Zaklog summarised their edit:
Initial commit.
3027 Listing "Prince of the Apple Towns (James and Jones Book 1)" was edited by muses-success
January 12th, 11:20AM

muses-success summarised their edit:
Housekeeping. Generated index title and slug.
3026 Listing "Prince of the Apple Towns (James and Jones Book 1)" was added by Del_Elle_Stories
January 12th, 11:20AM

Del_Elle_Stories summarised their edit:
Initial commit.
3025 Listing "Girl Of Cinder" was edited by muses-success
November 25th 2023

muses-success summarised their edit:
Housekeeping. Generated index title and slug.
3024 Listing "Girl Of Cinder" was added by trinit33
November 25th 2023

trinit33 summarised their edit:
Initial commit.
3023 Listing "Caldrea: The beginning" was edited by muses-success
November 11th 2023

muses-success summarised their edit:
Housekeeping. Generated index title and slug.
3022 Listing "Caldrea: The beginning" was added by barcad
November 11th 2023

barcad summarised their edit:
Initial commit.
3021 Listing "That Mutual Feeling" was edited by muses-success
November 11th 2023

muses-success summarised their edit:
Housekeeping. Generated index title and slug.
3020 Listing "That Mutual Feeling" was added by erhynne
November 11th 2023
3019 Listing "The Destiny of the Villainess is Tears" was edited by muses-success
November 4th 2023

muses-success summarised their edit:
Housekeeping. Generated index title and slug.
3018 Listing "The Destiny of the Villainess is Tears" was added by Amesaya
November 4th 2023

Amesaya summarised their edit:
Initial commit.
This listing was rejected as it did not meet our guidelines for acceptable web fiction.
3017 Listing "Alternate New World" was edited by muses-success
September 28th 2023

muses-success summarised their edit:
Housekeeping. Generated index title and slug.
3016 Listing "Alternate New World" was added by Mickblend
September 28th 2023
3015 Listing "Maverick Engineer Saga" was edited by muses-success
September 22nd 2023

muses-success summarised their edit:
Housekeeping. Generated index title and slug.
3014 Listing "Maverick Engineer Saga" was added by Dnivaravn
September 22nd 2023

Dnivaravn summarised their edit:
Initial commit.
3013 Listing "An Age of Mysterious Memories" was edited by muses-success
July 30th 2023

muses-success summarised their edit:
Housekeeping. Generated index title and slug.
3012 Listing "An Age of Mysterious Memories" was added by TripsetteTitan
July 30th 2023

TripsetteTitan summarised their edit:
Initial commit.
3011 Listing "Seriphyn Knight: Reborn Legacy" was edited by veronica
July 27th 2023
3010 Listing "Seriphyn Knight: Reborn Legacy" was edited by muses-success
July 27th 2023

muses-success summarised their edit:
Housekeeping. Name changed in previous commit. Regenerating index title.
3009 Listing "Seriphyn Knight: Reborn Legacy" was edited by veronica
July 27th 2023

veronica summarised their edit:
updated to reflect the current version of this story that had began in 2006. The story is undergoing a rewrite to be aligned with the first released volume.
3008 Listing "Pulp Tempo" was edited by muses-success
July 13th 2023

muses-success summarised their edit:
Housekeeping. Generated index title and slug.
3007 Listing "Pulp Tempo" was added by doravg
July 13th 2023

doravg summarised their edit:
Initial commit.
This listing was rejected as it did not meet our guidelines for acceptable web fiction.
3006 Listing "Halloween" was edited by muses-success
May 31st 2023

muses-success summarised their edit:
Housekeeping. Generated index title and slug.
3005 Listing "Halloween" was added by ShireTheDreamer
May 31st 2023

ShireTheDreamer summarised their edit:
Initial commit.
3004 Listing "Soul Bound" was edited by muses-success
April 4th 2023

muses-success summarised their edit:
Housekeeping. Generated index title and slug.

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