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A Frequent Traveller's Guide to Jovan by Suz Black

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Rated 7.53 out of 10 Statistics


Chapters: 26

Genre: Fantasy / Romance

Updated: Weekly

Content Advisory

Occasional Sexual Content

Occasional Coarse Language

Frequent Violence


Overall Rating: 7.531

Average Rating: 8.89 (Guests), 8.75 (Members)

Ranking: #80

Rating Count: 11 (9 Guests, 2 members)

1 indicates a weighted rating.

A Frequent Traveller's Guide to Jovan by Suz Black product Read This

"A new take on traditional imperial inspiration"

Rating: 9 / 10

I am fascinated by and love studying the Romans, especially from the late Republic and early Imperial eras, then toward the fall of the empire (mostly 5th century). Part of what drew me to the Traveller's Guide was the very clear Imperial inspiration for Jovan. If you have even a passing knowledge of the history of the Roman Empire, or European history as a larger whole, your mind is awake and brimming with the possibilities of what the adventures undertaken by the imperial Uncles might lead to. Names like Gallica harken back to the troubles faced by Rome consistently in Gaul and makes you sit up a little straighter and lean forward, waiting to see what their travels are going to reveal about their world and the state of the empire.

Reading the first entry, I came to like both of the brothers very much. As Aden's already observed, the descriptions are very vivid and full of personification--a fortress hunches and broods over the town below and the like.

Very fun stuff so far and I think I'm in for the long haul--and looking forward to seeing where the story takes the brothers next.

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