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Ars Harmonia by Project BC, Bishop Myers

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Rated 7.33 out of 10 Statistics


Genre: Supernatural / Drama

Audience: Teen, adult

Updated: Weekly

Content Advisory

Occasional Sexual Content

Occasional Coarse Language

Occasional Violence


Overall Rating: 7.331

Average Rating: 10 (Guests), 5 (Members)

Ranking: #216

Rating Count: 1 (1 Guests, 0 members)

1 indicates a weighted rating.


"Human beings are transient creatures. It's only to be expected that they fall to pieces when confronted with that which transcends time."

Human beings are transient creatures. The impermanence of life is tightly interwoven into society – the young are taught by the old so that they, in turn, can teach the next generation when the old has passed on. People are raised in a transient world.

Everything eventually breaks down. Plants wither, mountains erode, and eventually the planet itself will come to an end. The idea of impermanence is so deeply-ingrained in the minds of humans that they can scarcely comprehend something with an interminable existence.

Lurking just out of sight in the dark parts of the world, demons are a violation of this fundamental rule. Unknown to the natural cycle of life and death, demons threaten to throw the delicate structure of human society into disarray. Unable to die, they live only to consume and destroy, spreading their taint of permanence wherever they go.

But she won’t let them have their way. She has made it her duty to eliminate those which threaten the natural order of this world.

This is her story, and the story of those who have been unwittingly caught up in this ages-old conflict.

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Action, Combat, Combat with Bladed Weapons, Curse, Demons, Desperation, Drama, Episodic Story, Fantasy, Magic, Magic/ESP Combat, Modern Day Setting in a Fictional World, Monsters, Multiple Stories, Mystery, Psychological Problems, Suspense

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