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Berlin Confidential by A. Scott, E. Cowles

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Rated 6.33 out of 10 Statistics


Genre: Mystery / Supernatural

Audience: adults, young adults, lgbt community

Updated: Weekly

Content Advisory

Occasional Sexual Content

Occasional Coarse Language

Frequent Violence


Overall Rating: 6.331

Average Rating: 5 (Guests), 5 (Members)

Ranking: #601

Rating Count: 0 (0 Guests, 0 members)

1 indicates a weighted rating.


"A Supernatural Noir"

Set in 1929 Berlin, Germany. A dedicated but lonely young detective investigates a series of bizarre and gruesome murders perpetrated by an unknown consortium of enemies. A story about a culture between wars, a city on the brink of economic ruin, and the outcasts sworn to protect it. Contains elements of historical fiction, supernatural horror and homosexuality.

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