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314 Crescent Manor by M. Jones

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Rated 7.47 out of 10 Statistics


Genre: Mystery / Drama

Audience: 14+

Updated: Weekly

Content Advisory

Occasional Sexual Content

Occasional Coarse Language

Occasional Violence


Overall Rating: 7.471

Average Rating: 9.33 (Guests), 8 (Members)

Ranking: #78

Rating Count: 6 (3 Guests, 3 members)

1 indicates a weighted rating.


"Where the rent is cheap and your neighbours are dead to the world."

Mark and Nathan Connor are twins, but in name only.  There is little to connect them, save their current residence in Crescent Manor, an old building situated in the centre of a mid-sized city.

They are unaware the tenants of Crescent Manor are never housed at random.  With its large, brooding stained glass tree bearing down on them from the fourth floor down to the first, it watches, and waits for one world to topple angrily into the next.

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Comedy, Drama, Female Protagonist, Gender Bending, Ghost, Mystery, Science Fiction, Scientist Protagonist, Twin Brother Heroes

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"Deliciously bizarre"

Rating: 8/10

I’ve been a fan of Jones’ writing for a few years now. Her work is full of black comedy, suspense, memorable characters, and palpable atmosphere. 314 Crescent Manor is no exception.

Mark and Nathan Connor are estranged fraternal twins drifting through life. They know that something’s wrong, but can’t put their finger on what until The Event happens at Crescent Manor. Even after…Read More


Thumbnail for 314 Crescent Manor


Both are set in a slightly more sinister version of this world. There's a sense of creepiness and otherness that will have you looking over your shoulder.

Recommended by tenaciousNancy - Report


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