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Harbor City by Bryce Hepburn

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Rated 7.31 out of 10 Statistics


Genre: Humor / Mystery

Audience: 18 and older

Updated: none

Content Advisory

Occasional Coarse Language

Occasional Violence


Overall Rating: 7.311

Average Rating: 10 (Guests), 5 (Members)

Ranking: #197

Rating Count: 1 (1 Guests, 0 members)

1 indicates a weighted rating.


"Cape Town's murder mystery"

Harbour City is a humorous film noir-ish story.

David is a washed out 28 year old who accidentally fell out of a four story building and landed on an old woman, killing her. Since his life sucks so much, he has a hard time convincing anyone that he didn’t try to commit suicide. The question still remains: how did David end up falling out of the window?

The setting is Cape Town, South Africa with a slightly surreal twist. The story is told in short chapters published weekly at www.stopthebus.co.za

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Comedy, Episodic Story, Mystery

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