Comparing Change Set #1956 with #1957 for House of Khepru

Field Diff
Book Title House of Khepru
Book Tagline The Beginning of a Second Chance
Book URL / Read URL
Book Author(s) Calvin Travostin
Primary Genre Supernatural
Secondary Genre Romance
Update Schedule Fortnightly
Book Synopsis Cayne Kokai, a nineteen-year-old college freshman, has a deep regret from his past ; five years ago, his best friend, Sona, took her own life, immediately after he confessed his feelings for her. Ever since, he has closed himself off to the mere notion of love, always claiming : “Even if I could find someone who did truly care for me, I’d rather not risk someone else’s life again.” On the morning of the day before the start of his second semester, Cayne meets Angela, a cute, hyperactive girl with bright, lavender-dyed hair, who takes an instant liking to him. Unknown to Cayne, however, Angela has a couple of secrets of her own ; 1. She isn’t human, but a kheprian; a vampire-like creature that feeds on pure human life force, rather than blood. 2. Cayne is a “dormant” kheprian, whom, after being awakened, must learn to control his feeding, as well as his new found powers. Cayne’s new life as a kheprian is about to begin!
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 1
Contain Sexual Language? 0 1
Contain Violent Content? 0 1
Intended Audience supernatural, paranormal, vampire, romance, comedy, adventure
URL fragment (slug) house-of-khepru
Index Sorting Title House of Khepru