Comparing Change Set #2220 with #2202 for Abducted

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Book Tagline Let the lies, misunderstandings Inter-world travel, crazy immortal scientists, empires at war, princesses with ESP and useless struggles for the upper hand begin. overpowered foreigners abducted from Earth.
Book Synopsis Enter an abducted American About a prodigy princess who doesn’t want to be the next Empress and a Daddy’s girl, albeit an unconventional one plagued by terrible luck. Enter another spoiled princess, this time of the Arslynian Imperial variety, who, though she would never admit it, is graced by an unfair amount of good luck. And then when you throw with a penchant for causing mayhem,who got spirited away from modern New York. Throw in experiments, indestructibility and telekinetic ESP-like powers along with and the machinations of plotters like Chennai the Ancient Witch and the current reigning Empress Mawara II, II with Arslynia as a backdrop, you have yourself somewhat of a story to tell. The girls’ tell. Their first stop and goal is finding the Ancient Witch’s Witch\'s lair in the Forest of the Lost without and not getting lost in the process. Let the lies, hillarious misunderstandings and useless struggles for the upper hand begin. “This process. “This is not funny. Kidnapped? Fine, I could accept that. But kidnapped and thrown into another world?? Stop it, please. Surely, even my luck couldn’t be that bad. No, I don’t care if the leaves are blue and your skin green. This has got to be some kind of a prank. Nope, I don’t believe it. No way.”
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Sexual Language? 0 2
Update Schedule none Every Few Days
Contain Coarse Language? 0 2