Comparing Change Set #2361 with #2362 for Heavenward on Golden Wings - BK I: Hatchling

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Book Title Heavenward on Golden Wings - BK I: Hatchling
Book Tagline Where lofty ambitions meet terrible starts and tall obstacles.
Book URL / Read URL
Book Author(s) LupineKing
Author Homepage
Primary Genre Fantasy
Secondary Genre Adventure
Update Schedule Every Few Days
Book Synopsis The world of Verre is a strange and wonderful place filled with strange, bewitching landscapes, hidden planes and daunting dangers. In the midst of this wonder and beauty is a harmonic anarchy. Earth and heaven lie opposed and mankind wars with itself as well as the fearsome beasts they live alongside. It is the right setting for myths and legends. Empires and kingdoms, heroes and villains, all rise and fall. Men, women and daemons compete on this stage seeking godhood, making names for themselves and establishing legacies of their own. Born into one of these legacies is Valerian Steelborn of the House of Cragveil. Blessed with keen acumen and remarkable abilities he steps into a world he expects a lot out off and it him. How far would he go and what legacy would he leave behind?
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 2
Contain Sexual Language? 0 1
Contain Violent Content? 0 2
Intended Audience All ages, Fantasy lovers, Action fans,
URL fragment (slug) heavenward-on-golden-wings---bk-i-hatchling
Index Sorting Title Heavenward on Golden Wings - BK I: Hatchling