Comparing Change Set #2437 with #2438 for Existential Terror and Breakfast

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Book Title Existential Terror and Breakfast
Book Tagline A serial with cereal.
Book URL / Read URL
Book Author(s) Michael Fitzgerald
Primary Genre Humor
Secondary Genre Parody
Update Schedule Weekly
Book Synopsis Malcolm Steadman will dial the suicide hotline in 90 days. Enter Malcolm Steadman: an overly anxious and polite every-man plagued by existential epiphanies with increasing regularity. He will fight a losing battle against routine and boring days as he slowly, but effectively, goes mad. This serial concerns not with the exciting, life affirming moments of his life, but rather the tedious, boring moments that are interrupted by epiphanies both bleak and terrible without warning when he fails to busy himself. It concerns the moments that make breakfast too profound to eat. It is updated every Wednesday.
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 2
Contain Sexual Language? 0 1
URL fragment (slug) existential-terror-and-breakfast
Index Sorting Title Existential Terror and Breakfast