Comparing Change Set #2691 with #2712 for ATL: Stories from the Retrofuture

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Book Title ATL: Stories from the Retrofuture
Book Tagline Adventures in the city of the future of the past
Book URL / Read URL
Book Author(s) Thedude3445
Primary Genre Sci-Fi
Secondary Genre Humor
Update Schedule Every Few Days
Book Synopsis In the future of decades past, a world of robots and CRTs, Atlanta is the most powerful city in the world. And in that city, one twentysomething slacker named Morgan Harding dreams of being able to live a normal, peaceful life, but... that\'s not happening. Together with a mysterious sentient robot and an overworked college student, Morgan must keep Atlanta safe from the technological threats that arise... pretty much constantly... sigh...
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 2
Contain Sexual Language? 0 2
Contain Violent Content? 0 2
Intended Audience young adult, lgbt, cool people
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