Comparing Change Set #2724 with #2741 for Sleepy Kitten

Field Diff
URL fragment (slug) sleepy-kitten
Index Sorting Title Sleepy Kitten
Book Tagline Adventures & & Daily Life of a Sleepy Catboy
Update Schedule Every Few Days Fortnightly
Book Synopsis Meet Swift who just got reincarnated as a 10-year-old catling after a traffic accident. Having just woken up in a new world with no real explanation, our kitten shows he lacks any common sense whatsoever while he tries to cope with his situation as good as he can: being alone in the middle of nowhere, with no shelter, no food — but with a kind of gaming interface and his no so helpful knowledge from playing MMOs. A good start into an adventure!
Contain Mature Content? 0 1
Contain Coarse Language? 1 0
Contain Sexual Language? 1 0