Comparing Change Set #2735 with #2730 for Marchlands

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Book Synopsis Kyra is the Hero, chosen to protect the border between our world and the fantasy world of the Marchlands. Ewan Marchlands. Ewan is the Squire, fallen between worlds and pledged to help her. June her. June is the Guide, here to mentor but haunted by the past. Meilin past. Meilin is the Witch, a Marchlander wondering very much how she managed to get wrapped up in hunting monsters and saving the world. ~~~ Marchlands world. ––– For fans of Buffy, Supernatural, and The Last Airbender, Marchlands is a web serial that blends the epic fantasy of another world with the urban fantasy of still needing to protect our own.
Contain Mature Content? 0 1
Contain Sexual Language? 1 0
URL fragment (slug) marchlands
Index Sorting Title Marchlands