Comparing Change Set #2905 with #2906 for The Crimson Throne

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Book Title The Crimson Throne
Book Tagline A girl transport into a dangerous world of magic and conspiracies
Book URL / Read URL
Book Author(s) LittleFoodie
Primary Genre Romance
Secondary Genre Fantasy
Update Schedule Weekly
Book Synopsis Upcoming college graduate Elaine Lawrence never imagine her life would be cut short by a freak accident, leading her soul to transfer into a dead body. Elena soon discovered the young woman she recently possessed true identity, a villainous side character within a novel she finished, Estella Marie de La Croix. Estella\'s family, the house of Croix, and the male protagonist\'s family were sworn enemies, destined to collide. As she tried to survive this unknown and dangerous world, her rationality warned her to avoid him, else she will suffer terrible consequences. Yet he remained her favorite character, and her heart wildly fluttered whenever their path crossed. \"I know we are not meant to be, but can I still like you?\" Update once every Friday
Contain Mature Content? 0 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 2
Contain Sexual Language? 0 2
Contain Violent Content? 0 2
Intended Audience Young Adult
URL fragment (slug) the-crimson-throne
Index Sorting Title Crimson Throne