Comparing Change Set #2973 with #2974 for Annie and the Rice Quest

Field Diff
Book Title Annie and the Rice Quest
Book Tagline Grandma wants to safe her Adventurer\'s Guild.
Book URL / Read URL
Book Author(s) doravg
Author Homepage
Primary Genre Friendship
Secondary Genre Fantasy
Update Schedule Completed
Book Synopsis In a world where there are healing properties to food, Annie Fargo has the power Rice Master. She can make rice, and only rice, perfectly. Just things that have rice in them. She is sent to the country of Marlworth to find Alarie Gluck, a woman with the power Mana Pudding, who can create special puddings that can restore mana. Along the way, they hear about another Chef with the power of HP food, the Spinach Delight power. And, from there, a whole new world opens up for them. This is a story with an elderly MC. It won\'t have smut, gore or strong language. Just a couple of people, led by a kind granny who wants to leave something behind when she dies.
Contain Mature Content? 0 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 1
Contain Sexual Language? 0 1
Contain Violent Content? 0 2
URL fragment (slug) annie-and-the-rice-quest
Index Sorting Title Annie and the Rice Quest