Comparing Change Set #2987 with #2988 for The Looming Numina

Field Diff
Book Title The Looming Numina
Book Tagline Meika Thomas was, for all intents and purposes, a terrible human sacrifice.
Book URL / Read URL
Book Author(s) theloomingnumina
Primary Genre Fantasy
Secondary Genre Adventure
Update Schedule Weekly
Book Synopsis In a world of godlike towers called Numina, Meika Thomas refuses to play her pre-destined role of sacrifice (not that she had any say in the matter), runs away from her home at the Ayerime Numen (not that she had any say in the matter), and ventures off into uncharted territory to find a life that better suits her desire of not being cast aside and forgotten as a nobody (not that she had any say in that matter either).
Contain Mature Content? 0 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 2
Contain Sexual Language? 0 1
Contain Violent Content? 0 2
URL fragment (slug) the-looming-numina
Index Sorting Title Looming Numina