Comparing Change Set #450 with #1144 for City of Roses

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Book Title City of Roses
Index Sorting Title City of Roses
Book Tagline A Serialized Phantastick on The Ten Thousand Things & & The One True Only
Book Author(s) Kip Manley
Author Homepage
Book URL / Read URL
Book RSS Feed
Primary Genre Fantasy
Secondary Genre Romance
Contain Coarse Language? 3
Contain Sexual Language? 3
Contain Violent Content? 3
Intended Audience
URL fragment (slug) city-of-roses
Chapter Count 10 0
Book Synopsis City of Roses is about what happens when Jo Maguire, a highly strung underemployed telemarketer, meets Ysabel Perry, a princess of unspecifiable pedigree. It’s also about hearts broken cleanly and otherwise, the City of Portland, Spenser, those moments in pop songs when the bass and all of the drums except maybe a handclap suddenly drop out of the bridge leaving you hanging from a slender aching thread of melody waiting almost dreading the moment when the beat comes back, and the occasional swordfight. swordfight.