Comparing Change Set #935 with #936 for Emerald Heights

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Book Title Emerald Heights
Book Tagline At the height of drama
Book URL / Read URL
Book RSS Feed
Book Author(s) Terry McGinn
Author Homepage
Primary Genre Drama
Secondary Genre Family
Update Schedule Every Few Days
Book Synopsis Once a shipping and rail mecca, this little big city has seen itself reinvented time and again. Located on the shore of the Massachusetts coast, Emerald Heights is in the midst of a boom. The Story of Emerald Heights tells the tale of struggle between legacy and power, loyalty and opportunity; of families united, families divided, conquered and rejoined. There are the Waterfords who have existed in Emerald Heights since its founding, there are the Jordans who are slowly gaining control; the great Stanley dynasty that is proud but crumbling and the Price family legacy that is just beginning. Emerald Heights is a dramatic web serial set in the current day. Take a look around, meet our characters and check out their story. New segments are posted every Monday and Wednesday.
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 2
Contain Sexual Language? 0 2
Contain Violent Content? 0 2
URL fragment (slug) emerald-heights
Index Sorting Title Emerald Heights