Comparing Change Set #1136 with #966 for Aer Mutatio: How Environmentalism Fixes The Roman Empire

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Book Synopsis - 44 BC: Julius Caesar survives assisaination attempt. - 410 assassination attempt. 410 AD: Romans repel King Alaric I. - 1010 I. 1010 AD: Albinus Gordian is elected Emperor and begins a new age of environmentalism in the Roman Empire. Global Empire. Global Warming is happening, but that doesn\'t mean we can\'t try to stop it. Spanish anchorman turned international reporter Joe Body is setting out on a globe trotting escapade of unprecedented scale and insanity. His journey begins with the election of Emperor Albinus Gordian, Green Dictator, and ends with the total collapse of industrialized society in the name of saving the earth, but along the way he is on the scene at every major global development in environmentalism. From eco-mutations in Japan to attacks by anti-environmental-extremist pollutorists in Canada, Joe is ready for anything, but even that might not be enough. A whimsical romp through the gauntlet of environmental politics of a warped history, AER MUTATIO is a satirical adventure spanning five continents and endless laughs.
Contain Coarse Language? 1 0
Contain Sexual Language? 1 0
Chapter Count 0 113
Contain Violent Content? 1 0
URL fragment (slug) aer-mutatio-how-environmentalism-fixes-the-roman-empire
Index Sorting Title Aer Mutatio: How Environmentalism Fixes Roman Empire