Comparing Change Set #1424 with #1435 for The Blue Lady

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Book Title The Blue Lady
Book Tagline Her magic could be messy and black didn’t show bloodstains as readily.
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Book Author(s) Sheryl Westleigh
Author Homepage
Primary Genre Fantasy
Secondary Genre Supernatural
Update Schedule Weekly
Book Synopsis Calliope Bránán is a Blood Mage. It\'s not always easy to balance your life between the magical and mundane world but she does her best. The fact that her boyfriend, Lucas, is a vampire and she has her work for the Guardians keeping the peace in Maine makes it that much more difficult. When a friend asks her to help find a missing little boy she and her partner Lucas, a vampire, Lucas have to hurry to rescue him.
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 2
Contain Sexual Language? 0 2
Contain Violent Content? 0 2
Intended Audience adults, teens, 16+