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Warbler by Joseph Vozzo

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Rated 7.31 out of 10 Statistics


Genre: Sci-Fi / Suspense

Audience: Science Fiction, Post-Apocalyptic, Apocalyptic

Updated: none

Content Advisory

Occasional Violence


Overall Rating: 7.311

Average Rating: 5 (Guests), 10 (Members)

Ranking: #400

Rating Count: 1 (0 Guests, 1 members)

1 indicates a weighted rating.


"A novel of a species-ending war, and other rather stressful events."

Humanity has been wiped out in a quick, brutal war that it never had a real chance of winning. The 19 crewmembers of the UTFS Warbler are, as far as they know, the last human beings in the universe. This is not about them saving the world. It's not about them rebuilding civilization either. It's about them. How they're all different. How they cope.

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