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Gamer Girl by Joe Berridge Beale

This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Joe_Berridge_Beale at 06:35, 21 May 2017. It may differ significantly from the current revision.

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Rated 0 out of 10 Statistics


Chapters: 10

Genre: Superhero / Adventure

Audience: Superhero comic book fans, video game fans, anime/manga fans.

Updated: none

Content Advisory

Frequent Coarse Language

Frequent Violence


Overall Rating: 01

Average Rating: 10 (Guests), 10 (Members)

Ranking: #400

Rating Count: 3 (2 Guests, 1 members)

1 indicates a weighted rating.


"A superhero action comedy web serial about a superheroine who can conjure items and abilities from video games."

'Gamer Girl' is a superhero action comedy web serial written by Joe Berridge Beale. It follows the bizarre adventures of Ralphie Hero, aka Gamer Girl, a superheroine with the superpower to summon the items and abilities of video game player characters. Working alongside her partner Comikazé ‘Kazé’ Maniakku, aka Fangirl, a superhero fanatic with an electric fan gun, Ralphie sets out to make a name for herself in a city already full of crime fighters. Between the monsters, the supervillains, and Ralphie’s mild sociopathic tendencies, it does not go well.

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