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The Aliud by mutalias

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Rated 0 out of 10 Statistics


Genre: Fantasy / Horror

Audience: Adults

Updated: Weekly

Content Advisory

Occasional Sexual Content

Frequent Coarse Language

Frequent Violence


Overall Rating: 01

Average Rating: 0 (Guests), 0 (Members)

Ranking: #400

Rating Count: 0 (0 Guests, 0 members)

1 indicates a weighted rating.


"What is the Aliud?"

The Aliud takes place in a dark fantasy setting called Mar, which is recovering from a near apocalyptic war against a devastating enemy. What remains of the realms of man has gathered into a single kingdom, and united to take the world back from the still-fighting war machine of the adversary. Most of the world is still lost to the terrible weapons unleashed in this conflict, and the reclamation effort has been painfully slow and costly.

The current story is called The New Thunder. Mankind has always depended on magic and wizardry as its great source of power, but is on the cusp of discovering a second path that may change the world forever. A scholar from the royal academy has recently invented a weapon that could drastically bolster mankind’s efforts to reclaim their lost world. As he travels to the front with his sister, a gifted agent of the king, they will discover that it may also disrupt the delicate balance of power within the kingdom itself.

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