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The Stakeout by Song Fiveday

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Rated 7 out of 10 Statistics


Genre: Romance / General

Updated: Completed

Content Advisory

Frequent Sexual Content


Overall Rating: 71

Average Rating: 7 (Guests), 7 (Members)

Ranking: #400

Rating Count: 0 (0 Guests, 0 members)

1 indicates a weighted rating.


"The story of two detectives fires up with a can of beer."

<Summary> Two detectives started a stakeout to catch a notorious criminal. In winter, they had to stay together in a small car for a couple of days. It's the right time and place to be upfront themselves to each other of their desires.

modernSetting #cops #officeLove #sweetAndLovely

sweetGong #innocentGong #activeSoo #uprightSoo

  • This short story of yaoi/BL is translated from from the original Korean short web-novel (text-only, no illustrations)
  • This short story contains material only suitable for adults.

<Tables Of Contents> Title Page Body Content Copyright (29 pages in approx. print length)

<Preview> Winter was cold. Of course, cold weather made things harder for detectives. Due to the nature of their work, the cold weather, which was difficult to stay outdoors, was bound to be the object of resentment for them who had a lot of latent work. However, They had no choice but to work. And it's so hard to make ends meet. That simple truth still applied to reality. "Captain Kim." "I told you to call me sunbae." "...sunbae." "Okay." Only then did Kim MinSoo opened the car door with a smile. "I brought warm coffee." "Oh, good job." Kim MinSoo and Seo JaeKyung were on a stakeout. If Kim MinSoo was a high-ranking senior as his rank 'captain' implies, Seo JaeKyung was still a rookie not long after becoming a police officer. "When you're working undercover, it's most important to focus. You don't know when and where your thing will appear. Concentrating is the most difficult and important thing." "Yes, sir! I see." Seo JaeKyung, who still had little experience, was very disciplined. Kim MinSoo laughed while watching Seo JaeKyung. Of course, he had such a time. When He first became a police officer, He really seemed like a young child who didn't know anything, but time had gone by so fast that He was now called the team leader. "So, what do you do for fun?" "Hobby?" I don't have any." "Don't you have any hobbies?" "Yes, I'm a little boring." Kim MinSoo smiled and laughed at Seo JaeKyung. Perhaps because he was still young, he seemed very nervous in front of the captain. Such a posture was a good posture. He hadn't seen any of the ones who were comfortable with their seniors from the beginning and had a good end. The job of police was always in the middle of danger. They had to think about the fact that their lives might disappear anytime, anywhere. Kim MinSoo also had an experience of almost dying. He couldn't remember it well because it's a long time ago. "It's not a bad thing to be boring. However, working can be hard, so it's good to do something to relieve stress. For example, exercise." "If it's working out, I'm working out hard." "Yeah. You have to develop your physical strength, so, of course, it's better to work out steadily. Besides that, it would be nice to learn Taekwondo, Judo, and other martial arts." "Oh..."

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