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Commercial Novel by Richard Hunter, Anonymous

This is an old revision of this page, as edited by muses-success at 06:35, 13 November 2010. It may differ significantly from the current revision.

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Rated 7.78 out of 10 Statistics


Chapters: 5

Genre: General / Drama

Audience: Readers of literary fiction

Updated: none

Content Advisory

Occasional Sexual Content

Occasional Coarse Language

Occasional Violence


Overall Rating: 7.781

Average Rating: 10 (Guests), 10 (Members)

Ranking: #72

Rating Count: 3 (2 Guests, 1 members)

1 indicates a weighted rating.


"From desperation, art."

Commercial Novel, is a long shot born from economic desperation. Currently, the novel tracks the lives of Colin and Sylvia Andrews as they struggle to keep their house. Sadly, Colin’s primary plan is to write a novel—a “Great American Cybernovel”—offering readers the chance to buy their way into the text. At the uncomfortable crux of crass commercialism, literature, genre-fiction, talking point politics, and economic crisis, Commercial Novel irreverently negotiates the thin, blurred lines between integrity and sales, truth and fiction, and hope and despair. It’s also kind of funny. 

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