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Her Fathers Choice by Vaughn Ohlman

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Rated 6.33 out of 10 Statistics


Chapters: 58

Genre: Fantasy / Romance

Audience: Young Adult

Updated: Completed


Overall Rating: 6.331

Average Rating: 5 (Guests), 5 (Members)

Ranking: #177

Rating Count: 0 (0 Guests, 0 members)

1 indicates a weighted rating.

Her Fathers Choice is no longer available online. This page is kept around for archival reasons and does not appear in our main index.


"Her father picked her a husband, and she didn't like him. So she ran away."

The princess was of age, and the ambassadors came from far and wide to vie for her hand. Her father picked her a husband, and she wasn’t pleased. So she ran away.

She and her maid joined a caravan to the land of her lover, the dark, handsome and rich prince that had woed her himself.

Unfortunately her betrothed husband just happened to be in charge of the guards on the caravan she ran away in.

Fortunately, he didn’t know it was her.

Unfortunately, someone else did.

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