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Metal Shadow by Kevin A.M. Lewis

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Rated 7.94 out of 10 Statistics


Genre: Fantasy / Sci-Fi

Audience: anime viewers, young adult, action junkies

Updated: none

Content Advisory

Occasional Coarse Language

Frequent Violence


Overall Rating: 7.941

Average Rating: 10 (Guests), 9.67 (Members)

Ranking: #21

Rating Count: 4 (1 Guests, 3 members)

1 indicates a weighted rating.


"An action-packed epic fantasy"

The Red Threat has invaded Gilta Nnea. Nine heroes are prophesied to defeat him, but no one knows who they are. When a journey to the Hollowlands unites players in an all-out war, the stage is set for the heroes' rise. This is their battle. METAL SHADOW.

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Action, Apocalypse, Cyberpunk, Demons, Dystopia, Future Setting in a Fictional World, High Fantasy, Magic, Magic/ESP Combat, Monsters, Prophecy, Science Fantasy

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