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Motherless Child by Adam Cole

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Genre: Sci-Fi / Horror

Audience: 14 or older

Updated: none

Content Advisory

Occasional Coarse Language

Occasional Violence


Overall Rating: 01

Average Rating: 5 (Guests), 5 (Members)

Ranking: #400

Rating Count: 0 (0 Guests, 0 members)

1 indicates a weighted rating.


"A Novel of Two Americas"

When Rosa's mother loses her job with the Corporate United States of America, her family must flee or be killed in an employee purge. Taking the dangerous bus trip across the Unincorporated States, they are ambushed by bandits. Hopelessly separated from her family, Rosa is rescued by the people of Ascension, a small backwoods Virgilna town with a terrible secret.

Seventeen years in the making, Cole’s book about a girl trapped between two Americas serves as a reminder of what the United States has become, and what it still could be.

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