Recent Changes

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CS Change - / +
993 Listing "Wings in the Darkness" was added by jrichm
May 26th 2011

jrichm summarised their edit:
Initial commit.
992 Listing "The Ageless One" was edited by jrichm
May 26th 2011
991 Listing "Awakenings" was edited by Erin_Klitzke
May 26th 2011

Erin_Klitzke summarised their edit:
Additional description.
990 Listing "Animus" was edited by apoq79
May 26th 2011

apoq79 summarised their edit:
Chapter count and update schedule
989 Listing "The Seekers" was edited by Dash
May 26th 2011

Dash summarised their edit:
New, better description
988 Listing "The Promethead" was edited by muses-success
May 25th 2011

muses-success summarised their edit:
Housekeeping. Generated index title and slug.
987 Listing "The Promethead" was added by senorimhotep
May 25th 2011

senorimhotep summarised their edit:
Source: Official Description
986 Listing "Animus" was edited by muses-success
May 25th 2011

muses-success summarised their edit:
Housekeeping. Generated index title and slug.
985 Listing "Animus" was added by apoq79
May 25th 2011

apoq79 summarised their edit:
Initial commit.
984 Listing "False Gods" was edited by muses-success
May 10th 2011

muses-success summarised their edit:
Housekeeping. Generated index title and slug.
983 Listing "False Gods" was added by crhindmarsh
May 10th 2011

crhindmarsh summarised their edit:
Initial commit.
982 Listing "The List" was edited by muses-success
May 9th 2011

muses-success summarised their edit:
Housekeeping. Generated index title and slug.
981 Listing "The List" was added by kris
May 9th 2011

kris summarised their edit:
Initial commit.
980 Listing "Awakenings" was edited by muses-success
May 3rd 2011

muses-success summarised their edit:
Housekeeping. Generated index title and slug.
979 Listing "Awakenings" was added by Erin_Klitzke
May 3rd 2011

Erin_Klitzke summarised their edit:
Initial commit.
978 Listing "Forever Together " was edited by muses-success
May 1st 2011

muses-success summarised their edit:
Housekeeping. Generated index title and slug.
977 Listing "Forever Together " was added by Mazda58
May 1st 2011

Mazda58 summarised their edit:
Initial commit.
This listing was rejected as it did not meet our guidelines for acceptable web fiction.
976 Listing "Suburban Ways" was edited by muses-success
April 30th 2011

muses-success summarised their edit:
Housekeeping. Generated index title and slug.
975 Listing "Suburban Ways" was added by Mazda58
April 30th 2011

Mazda58 summarised their edit:
A family in turmoil in their every day lives.
974 Listing "Ascalon, Ohio" was edited by kpbstevens
April 25th 2011
973 Listing "Thereamid" was edited by muses-success
April 22nd 2011

muses-success summarised their edit:
Housekeeping. Generated index title and slug.
972 Listing "Thereamid" was added by Thereamid
April 22nd 2011

Thereamid summarised their edit:
Initial commit.
971 Listing "The Ageless One" was edited by muses-success
April 19th 2011

muses-success summarised their edit:
Housekeeping. Generated index title and slug.
970 Listing "The Ageless One" was added by jrichm
April 19th 2011

jrichm summarised their edit:
Initial commit.
969 Listing "Ascalon, Ohio" was edited by muses-success
April 14th 2011

muses-success summarised their edit:
Housekeeping. Generated index title and slug.
968 Listing "Ascalon, Ohio" was added by kpbstevens
April 14th 2011

kpbstevens summarised their edit:
Initial commit.
967 Listing "Theatrica" was edited by aesopcooper
April 9th 2011

aesopcooper summarised their edit:
Added that the novel is now completed
966 Listing "Aer Mutatio: How Environmentalism Fixes The Roman Empire" was edited by muses-success
April 4th 2011

muses-success summarised their edit:
Housekeeping. Generated index title and slug.
965 Listing "Aer Mutatio: How Environmentalism Fixes The Roman Empire" was added by ayami
April 4th 2011

ayami summarised their edit:
Initial commit.
964 Listing "Beyond Knowledge" was edited by ayami
April 2nd 2011

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