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Eastridge Academy - School for Adventurers by JLY, KL, KMRicker

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Rated 7.59 out of 10 Statistics


Chapters: 15

Genre: Fantasy / Adventure

Updated: Completed


Overall Rating: 7.591

Average Rating: 8 (Guests), 7.7 (Members)

Ranking: #11

Rating Count: 24 (8 Guests, 16 members)

1 indicates a weighted rating.

Eastridge Academy - School for Adventurers by JLY, KL, KMRicker product Read This

"Pretty cool!"

I am REALLY sick of "schools" in online literature.  (Also sick of vampires, elves, GBLT sandwiches and the other overused themes)

But this one’s got a lot going fot it.  For one thing, these kids are superheroes or spiking zombies.  It’s a clever premise with a lot of flexibility. The layout (and maps, characters, etc) are nicely done and fun.  I’m not at all crazy about the faux page layout of the reading material)

Which is, let’s be frank, well-written, but nothing to go wild and start a seminar on.

I’d say this:  a kid has gone through Harry Potter and wishes Buffy would come back and Twilight dweebs would die of hemophilia or something:  they’d dig this one.

And if they’re gamers or Indiana Jones fans…

Rating: 7 / 10

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