Comparing Change Set #1734 with #1735 for Galico

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Book Title Galico
Book Tagline Texas Chainsaw Meets The Howling in Northern Ontario
Book URL / Read URL
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Book Author(s) Steven Marshall
Primary Genre Horror
Secondary Genre Supernatural
Update Schedule Fortnightly
Book Synopsis Something stalks the back roads of Northern Ontario. A dark, twisted something with ties to forces older than mankind. For Caleb Chance, the nightmare began the day his fate crossed with that of Echo; a woman with a private agenda to be fulfilled no matter who gets in her way. Hijacked by Echo, Caleb is forced on a journey into the wilderness that leads to a violent discovery and a mystery that is almost 300 years old. When the sun fades below the trees, it will take an uneasy alliance for Caleb and Echo to stay alive. Something is waiting in the forest. Hungry for prey. And it is not human...
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 2
Contain Sexual Language? 0 2
Contain Violent Content? 0 2
Intended Audience Adult
URL fragment (slug) galico
Index Sorting Title Galico