Comparing Change Set #1800 with #1801 for The Gifted: Utopia

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Book Title The Gifted: Utopia
Book Tagline The U.S. government had planted the seeds for a new kind of soldier as far back as World War II. They watched and they waited. Now, Sean Miller finds out that experiments carried out on his grandfather have made him special and that he isn\'t alone.
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Book Author(s) Jeremy D. Hill
Author Homepage
Primary Genre Superhero
Secondary Genre Adventure
Update Schedule Monthly
Book Synopsis The U.S. government had planted the seeds for a new kind of soldier as far back as World War II. They watched and they waited. Now, Sean Miller finds out that experiments carried out on his grandfather have made him special and that he isn\'t alone. His life has now been forever altered. Can Sean and his newfound friends stay one step ahead of a power hungry secret organization and an immortal madman from a war long since over. Utopia is the first installment of the Gifted Series. A down to earth super-heroic tale of intrigue, conspiracy, action, romance and much more. The first chapter can be read for free, but registration is required to read more. Registration is completely free.
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 2
Contain Sexual Language? 0 1
Contain Violent Content? 0 2
Intended Audience Teen
URL fragment (slug) the-gifted-utopia
Index Sorting Title Gifted: Utopia