Comparing Change Set #1843 with #1844 for Fin de Siécle

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Book Title Fin de Siécle
Book Tagline Victorian London fop hears the call of the wild in the Klondike.
Book URL / Read URL
Book Author(s) Gerry Mobey
Primary Genre Drama
Secondary Genre Adventure
Update Schedule none
Book Synopsis Victorian London\'s polite society spurn a foppish engineer embroiled in a royal scandal. A proud Englishman; loyal servant to the Queen; and victim of blackmail; he flees his home and cultured life hopeful of something civilised and honorable. He lands in the golden Klondike and comes across a mainly desperate and rapacious population, indifferent to cruelty and destruction, and much the same as back home. He\'s popular initially as the unorthodox and charming evangelist, eccentric wilderness apostle, and occasional pugilist. When his past catches up he\'s forced to flee the fickle once again; a wild call lures him to a natural life with the indigenous Han people: similarly displaced and victims of avarice: equally determined to be left in peace, and conserve a gentle life. Authors synopsis.
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 2
Contain Sexual Language? 0 1
Contain Violent Content? 0 2
URL fragment (slug) fin-de-sicle
Index Sorting Title Fin de Siécle