Comparing Change Set #1848 with #1849 for Of Demons and Angels - Paranormal

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Book Title Of Demons and Angels - Paranormal (Book 1)
Book Tagline Angels, demons, and all manner of creatures beside. They can\'t exist, can they? Wrong.
Book URL / Read URL
Book Author(s) Stephen Yates
Primary Genre Fantasy
Secondary Genre Supernatural
Update Schedule none
Book Synopsis Demons and angels, long thought to be creatures of myth. Creatures destined to fight an everlasting war between heaven and hell, God and Satan, good and evil. But sometimes, things aren\'t so simple. Nothing’s ever as it seems. Can a story become real? Can a legend really be living? Can humanity survive being trapped in a world filled with monsters, demons, and perhaps even worse? Angels. Demons. Everything Sam Worthington had grown up with as fiction all seems to be coming to life around him. A war between angels and demons, a black and white struggle between good and evil? If only life was so easy. He knows that when he becomes embroiled in a shadowy underworld of supernatural ephemera, all that he knows may be forfeit – including his life.
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 2
Contain Sexual Language? 0 2
Contain Violent Content? 0 3
Intended Audience Adults, young adults, males
URL fragment (slug) of-demons-and-angels---paranormal-book-1
Index Sorting Title Of Demons and Angels - Paranormal (Book 1)