Comparing Change Set #1875 with #1876 for Aconitum

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Book Title Aconitum
Book Tagline A tale of werewolves, the ones who hunt them, and the people who are caught in the crossfire.
Book URL / Read URL
Book Author(s) M. Howalt
Author Homepage
Primary Genre Supernatural
Secondary Genre Fantasy
Update Schedule Weekly
Book Synopsis As if being a certified werewolf hunter isn’t enough of a moral morass already, Hector Rothenberg hears rumours of a wolf who can change its shape at will, and he realises that he must investigate the truth. But he needs to hurry up - especially if routine missions keep going almost fatally wrong. Aconitum is the story of one man’s physical and mental journey. It is also the tale of a society which knows that werewolves are a real threat, of a doctor with a dark secret, a skilled lady in a lucrative business, a rich aunt, a grumpy, old mentor, a cheeky Frenchman, a village idiot, tragic death, romance gone wrong, and a young man who really wanted nothing to do with any of that. No registration needed to read, but readers must log if they wish to comment and vote for the story on the host site.
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 1
Contain Sexual Language? 0 2
Contain Violent Content? 0 2
URL fragment (slug) aconitum
Index Sorting Title Aconitum