Comparing Change Set #1908 with #2101 for SyncPoint

Field Diff
Book Title SyncPoint
Book Tagline What a weird ball of junk...
Book URL / Read URL
Book Author(s) J.A. Waters
Author Homepage
Primary Genre Sci-Fi
Secondary Genre Fantasy
Update Schedule none
Book Synopsis Sidella Solston has decided to skip work for a couple of eons. In fact, while she\'s at it she might as well just hop out of the universe. She\'s tired of her job, tired of people, but mostly just tired. Relationships haven\'t panned out, she isn\'t really \'feeling\' her job, and overall the whole planet seems unsatisfying. Frustratingly enough, only astronauts and billionaires normally get to leave the world behind. However, a hundred crack-pot ideas and some experimenting with gadgetry lets her find another way off the big green rock. Della hijacks a room in her university\'s museum to build a mad-science project that sends her somewhere else entirely. Unfortunately, that somewhere else entirely proves to be inhabited by a rather interesting crowd. Their leader, DirNaut, finds it rather odd to see Della, a strange new addition to the SyncPoint. That\'s because, usually, no one means to arrive on that weird little ball of junk.
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 2 3
Contain Sexual Language? 0 2
Contain Violent Content? 0 2
Intended Audience Young Adults, Adult, Youth, Adults
Chapter Count 2 19