Comparing Change Set #1920 with #1921 for Twig

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Book Title Twig
Book Tagline The year is 1921, and a little over a century has passed since a great mind unraveled the underpinnings of life itself.
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Book Author(s) Wildbow
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Primary Genre Horror
Secondary Genre Sci-Fi
Update Schedule Every Few Days
Book Synopsis The year is 1921, and a little over a century has passed since a great mind unraveled the underpinnings of life itself. Every week, it seems, the papers announce great advances, solving the riddle of immortality, successfully reviving the dead, the cloning of living beings, or blending of two animals into one. For those on the ground, every week brings new mutterings of work taken by ‘stitched’ men of patchwork flesh that do not need to sleep, or more fearful glances as they have to step off the sidewalks to make room for great laboratory-grown beasts. Often felt but rarely voiced is the notion that events are already spiraling out of the control of the academies that teach these things. It is only this generation, they say, that the youth and children are able to take the mad changes in stride, accepting it all as a part of day to day life. Of those children, a small group of strange youths from the Lambsbridge Orphanage stand out, taking a more direct hand in events. - Web Serial\'s Website
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 3
Contain Sexual Language? 0 2
Contain Violent Content? 0 3
Intended Audience New Adult
URL fragment (slug) twig
Index Sorting Title Twig