Comparing Change Set #1940 with #1941 for Eternal the story of Xero

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Book Title Eternal the story of Xero
Book Tagline The journey from human to being Eternal
Book URL / Read URL
Book RSS Feed
Book Author(s) Xero NightChild
Author Homepage
Primary Genre Adventure
Secondary Genre Mystery
Update Schedule none
Book Synopsis A complete new take on adventures that happen in the virtual world of Eternal. There is no compulsion of any kind for the protagonist to play the game, his life, survival, resources nothing depends on it. He plays because he wants to. In doing so he realises his own potential and capacity for growth. He has adventures that make him wonder about the human mind\'s capabilities of reaching extremes in many directions. A place where he learns lessons he had rejected has cruel reality and appreciates them as they open his eyes.
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 2
Contain Sexual Language? 0 1
Contain Violent Content? 0 2
Intended Audience MMORPG enthusiasts, WebNovel enthusiasts, Sci-Fi, Mystery
URL fragment (slug) eternal-the-story-of-xero
Index Sorting Title Eternal the story of Xero