Comparing Change Set #1962 with #1963 for Cruise Control

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Book Title Cruise Control
Book Tagline Cruise Control is a teen speculative web fiction serial, updated every Wednesday and Sunday.
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Book Author(s) Zephy669
Primary Genre Fantasy
Secondary Genre Sci-Fi
Update Schedule Every Few Days
Book Synopsis Zak Sykes is a shifter. He can shift objects using the power in his heart known as eks. He gained this power when he was twelve years old on White Valentine’s. On that particular February 14th a massive white light engulfed Downtown York, destroying everything and taking the girl of his dreams from him. Now, six years later, Zak, along with his childhood shifter friends, are searching for clues that could explain what triggered White Valentine’s when a portal opens and out cruises Kimberly Quinn, the girl of Zak’s dreams, the girl Zak thought he’d lost forever. But she’s not alone—the greyvers followed after her, grey skinned, black eyed monsters, and both Kimberly and Zak have something they have been hunting for since the beginning of the multiverse known as the olos.
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 2
Contain Sexual Language? 0 1
Contain Violent Content? 0 3
Intended Audience YA lovers
URL fragment (slug) cruise-control
Index Sorting Title Cruise Control