Comparing Change Set #1979 with #1980 for Flocked

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Book Title Flocked
Book Tagline Adventursome curse survivors for hire to solve all your fairy tale troubles.
Book URL / Read URL
Book Author(s) Ryan Watt
Primary Genre Fantasy
Secondary Genre Adventure
Update Schedule Weekly
Book Synopsis Once Upon A Time kingdoms in trouble would have to wait for a wandering hero to come along and save the day. But why wait? The Order of Champion now sanctions Guilds to answer the \"Call\" when a loved one is kidnapped, a beast attacks, or a curse is laid. Follow the adventures of the Guild of the Feathers and its members: Sir Cyril the Cygnus, Torias the Blackwing, Oleg Draketail, Taree the mysterious, and the secretive Satu. Each have survived their own fairy tale traumas and work together to forge new lives, and help others avoid the fates they shared. For who better to help you break free of your curse than those who have been there themselves?
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Violent Content? 0 2
Intended Audience Teens, Young Adults, Adults, Youths,
URL fragment (slug) flocked
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