Comparing Change Set #2127 with #2128 for The Whisper of the Nightingale

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Book Title The Whisper of the Nightingale
Book Tagline "How fortunate then that I\'m quite uncommon." - Raven Nightingale
Book URL / Read URL
Book Author(s) SnowyFeffe
Primary Genre Fantasy
Secondary Genre Superhero
Update Schedule none
Book Synopsis When Raven Night was alive she had, since the age of three, been trained into a deadly killer and by the age of 25 her prowess had become legend; she was beyond a shadow of a doubt the most deadly assassin the world had even seen. They called her ‘the night songstress’ and every man and women in power feared to one day hear her ‘singing’ – it would be the last thing they would ever hear. But at that time young miss Night was sent on a mission she refused to complete and as a consequence she was hunted down and killed. As darkness takes her she cannot help but feel resent – would her countless slaughters on other peoples command be her only legacies!? To her surprise the darkness fades and she finds her self reborn in a world of magic and martial arts. Perhaps this time around she will create a better legend for herself?
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 2
Contain Sexual Language? 0 2
Contain Violent Content? 0 2
Intended Audience Young Adult, Xianxia lovers
URL fragment (slug) the-whisper-of-the-nightingale
Index Sorting Title Whisper of the Nightingale