Comparing Change Set #2131 with #2132 for Dream High School

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Book Title Dream High School
Book Tagline The only school you\'re allowed to sleep through
Book URL / Read URL
Book Author(s) Josh Powlison
Author Homepage
Primary Genre Friendship
Secondary Genre Humor
Update Schedule Monthly
Book Synopsis Dream High School is a mass interactive slice of life minimalist web serial novel! Minimalist novel means I get you as much info in as little time as possible! So I experiment a lot and break grammar rules for the greater good! If you\'re ever confused, read aloud. I phonetic. I also do cray stuff like double (dot) periods. Visual is minimal for open leadup interpretation to Events, cramming maximum happening into each page so each Event affects a lot, and because reading is a natural block to imagining visual. Help determine what happens next by submitting a ticket to the Event! Some types of events are: Voting: Option with most tickets happens next! Raffle: I draw a random ticket at Term end which determines the chosen option! Emotion: Tickets affect how strongly the character feels various emotions, which changes the next! Events close at Term end. At the end of every Term there\'s also a Giveaway raffle for ticket-submitters. Check out the prize below the Event options. -From Help section for Dream High School
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 1
Contain Sexual Language? 0 1
Contain Violent Content? 0 1
Intended Audience Slice of life readers, lovers of weird stories, interactive fiction fans, experimental fiction readers
URL fragment (slug) dream-high-school
Index Sorting Title Dream High School