Comparing Change Set #2165 with #2179 for Rigel

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URL fragment (slug) rigel
Index Sorting Title Rigel
Book Synopsis Our lives depend on our dreams. We live for them, we depend on them and when they shatter, they shatter our spirits. Love is a dream and the most important of all. When it shatters, it shatters more than just our spirit. It shatters our souls. Born souls. Born a slave, Rigel still dared to dream of love. Stripped of his rights, he lost his love to the fate and then he lost himself avenging her. Thrown into a hellhole, he once again meets his inner demons as he is pitted against the worst of the society. Dark society. Dark emotions riddled his heart and violent thoughts plagued his mind. Follow Rigel as he conquers them all in his life’s journey where he tries to regain everything he ever lost.
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