Comparing Change Set #2203 with #2204 for The Slayer and the Sphinx

Field Diff
Book Title The Slayer and the Sphinx
Book URL / Read URL!the-slayers-and-the-sphinx/l2121
Book Author(s) Adam Bolander
Author Homepage
Primary Genre Fantasy
Secondary Genre Adventure
Update Schedule Completed
Book Synopsis What if every magical creature you\'d ever heard of was real, driven into hiding by an army of violent zealots? This is reality for Sarah Heisen and Porter Collins. Sarah is a sphinx living a life of luxury in her family\'s mansion. Hidden from all danger, but shut off from the world, she wants nothing more than to escape. Porter is the Slayer\'s most promising recruit, and his skill is matched only by his hatred for those he hunts. The two are brought together as enemies, but fate has different plans for them. When an accident erases Porter\'s memory, he clings to Sarah for support. Now they are lost, injured, and helpless. If they want to survive, they will have to work together- and they may change the world as a result.
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 1
Contain Sexual Language? 0 1
Contain Violent Content? 0 2
Intended Audience Young adult, fantasy, romance, urban fantasy, action, adventure
URL fragment (slug) the-slayer-and-the-sphinx
Index Sorting Title Slayer and the Sphinx