Comparing Change Set #2286 with #2287 for Odd & Ends

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Book Title Odd & Ends
Book Tagline A series of tales about a humble magic shop in a floating city
Book URL / Read URL
Book Author(s) Jordan Severns
Primary Genre Fantasy
Secondary Genre Humor
Update Schedule Weekly
Book Synopsis Odd & Ends is a series of tales set in the unusual city of Skymoore, floating above the world of Solkin. It follows the lives of Donovan Allman, Nestor Pinkly, and Karessa Plunderton as they struggle to keep their humble magic shop alive while battling the literal and figurative demons of their present and their past. There are three types of stories: Major Arcs: The stories that contain events which significantly affect the characters and the city. The ones that shape the story going forward. These typically come in multiple parts. Ephemera: Stories set in Skymoore that are more-or-less self-contained. They might follow one of the main characters, they might not. Legends: Tales about the history of Solkin. (From the website\'s \"About\" page)
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 2
Intended Audience All audiences
URL fragment (slug) odd--ends
Index Sorting Title Odd & Ends