Comparing Change Set #2374 with #2373 for An Un-Ideal Eternity

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URL fragment (slug) an-un-ideal-eternity
Index Sorting Title Un-Ideal Eternity
Book Title An Un-Ideal Eternity
Book Tagline Congratulations, You\'re going to live forever… Regrettably, it\'s probably not going to be a very good time~
Book URL / Read URL
Book Author(s) Inigo Sharpe
Primary Genre Fantasy
Secondary Genre Supernatural
Update Schedule Weekly
Book Synopsis An Un-Ideal Eternity is about a man named Desmond, who is killed, revived, and then finds himself immortal in a post-apocalyptic society. Just because it’s a society doesn’t mean that either he or “they” have to be civilized. And just because a gentleman has become immortal does not mean that he has no dangers to be wary of. The good news is that he’s been afforded some very kind and very generous ministrations from his future-self. The bad news is that all those efforts might still not be enough, to allow our hero, to live in as untroubled and as un-tumultuous a manner as he’d prefer.
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 2
Contain Sexual Language? 0 2
Contain Violent Content? 0 2
Intended Audience fantasy, action, harem, post-apocalyptic