Comparing Change Set #2458 with #2459 for Interference

Field Diff
Book Title Interference
Book Tagline Madman torments psychologist in order to rule the world
Book URL / Read URL
Book Author(s) Taye Carrol
Author Homepage
Primary Genre Mystery
Secondary Genre Crime
Update Schedule Weekly
Book Synopsis Dr. Christian Albright aspires to be the preeminent psychologist of the day. Everything he does is aimed at three things; fame, money and prestige. It looks like he’s well on his way to achieving his goals when he receives a letter from someone who calls himself Loki. The letter tells Albright he will be entering into a game, whether he wants to or not. The stakes are life and death. The rules are simple – Albright receives a clue and he will have 48 hours to determine the sender’s identity and locate him. If he succeeds, he will obtain fame, wealth and untold power. Should he fail however, people will die will die. The only other rule: He must tell no one. a Meanwhile, committed to a mental institution for the criminally insane, a former adolescent patient of Albright’s named Eric, meticulously plans each message and consequence for failure. Eric’s girlfriend, Olivia, is more than happy to arrange for the messages to be delivered and the murders to be carried out. Unsuccessful time and time again to identify the message sender, the body count grows as does the evidence pointing at Albright. He’ll break the rules enlisting others help in an effort to stop the murders, save his reputation and avoid spending the rest of his life in jail. Frustrated, Loki sets up a consequence meant to break Albright. Both sides ready their end games and as the story moves towards its shocking conclusion, Albright learns that there are more important things than prestige and fame, and Eric learns his aspirations have consequences of their own.
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 2
Contain Sexual Language? 0 2
Contain Violent Content? 0 2
URL fragment (slug) interference
Index Sorting Title Interference