Comparing Change Set #2507 with #2508 for Exhuman

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Book Title Exhuman
Book Tagline A story about terrible superpowers, the terrible people who hold them, and the terrible people who do not.
Book URL / Read URL
Book Author(s) ZoeTrope
Primary Genre Sci-Fi
Secondary Genre Superhero
Update Schedule Every Few Days
Book Synopsis Exhuman is a free ongoing web serial which updates three times a week. It takes place in 2251, in a world where nuclear wars have come and gone, superhumans (the titular Exhumans) appear at random and cause devastation, and people haven\'t changed at all from the 21st century. It is a dark story which follows the life of Athan Ashton, an 18-year old who wakes up to find himself a lightning-powered Exhuman. Following a failed imprisonment and execution, he is exiled. Athan struggles with his new life as an Exhuman, and encounters new and interesting personalities as he moves forward, some who fear and hate him merely for being what he is, and others who suffer the same bigotry as he. Life can be difficult for an Exhuman, and the world can be a crappy place, but happiness is always possible for those who remember to look for it.
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 3
Contain Sexual Language? 0 2
Contain Violent Content? 0 3
Intended Audience mature readers, young adult
URL fragment (slug) exhuman
Index Sorting Title Exhuman