Comparing Change Set #2535 with #2561 for Advent

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URL fragment (slug) advent
Index Sorting Title Advent
Book Synopsis Ten-year-old Luke has always idolised his mother. She is strong and defiant and unafraid. She never lies to him, even about the things that matter. She couldn\'t be more different from his soft and doting foster family. When his mother arrives unexpectedly at his bedroom window one winter night, Luke doesn\'t hesitate. He joins her, and together they run away on what he hopes will be the adventure of a lifetime. Advent is an interactive short story which will be was published in daily instalments from 01 December 2017 until 25 December 2017.
Contain Mature Content? 0 1
Contain Sexual Language? 1 0
Chapter Count 0 24
Contain Violent Content? 1 0