Comparing Change Set #2563 with #2575 for Not All Heroes

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Book Title Not All Heroes
Book Tagline Not all apocalypses are cataclysmic
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Book Author(s) Rhodeworks
Primary Genre Sci-Fi
Secondary Genre Superhero
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Book Synopsis The year is 2061. The Golden Age of empowered heroes ended in the cataclysmic fires of The Collapse. Costumed demigods brought the world to a dire precipice and individuals and institutions are still picking up the pieces, still walking the precarious tightrope of a world-shaking paradigm shift. The world is not as it once was. The relics of the Golden Age, natural and artificial both, stand as monuments to a period of history that some wish to forget. All across the known world, individuals and institutions try traverse the ruins of history to guide the new world towards salvation, preservation or destruction. As it turns out, destruction. In a city on the verge of collapse, Sabra Kasembe dreams of being a renowned hero, even as her idealistic efforts draw her towards a future where the only crowds calling her name are her victims. Pavel Fisher is a weary ex-hero, bereft of powers and costume in the wake of horrific trauma, listlessly searching for purpose. When their lives intertwine with that of the iconoclastic mercenary known only as Leopard, whose murderous associates threaten to usher in an apocalypse, the trio realizes that maybe — just maybe — three people can change the course of history. But heroism and villainy are matters of perspective -- and narrative. Not All Heroes follows three individuals caught in the ruins of history. An idealistic young woman named Sabra, a weary ex-cape named Fisher, and an iconoclastic mercenary known only as Leopard. It\'s the story of them and many more, of the people trying to change the world -- and those just trying to survive in it. Not all apocalypses are cataclysmic. And some say apocalypses don\'t never merely end.
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 2
Contain Sexual Language? 0 2
Contain Violent Content? 0 2
Intended Audience Young Adult, Adult
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